Peruvian investment promotion agency ProInversión has awarded two electricity transmission PPPs to Spain-based infrastructure company Acciona Concesiones.
The projects in question are:
the Ica–Poroma link (220kV)
the ITC link Cáclic-Jaén Norte (two circuits) (220kV)
There were nine prequalified teams:
Acciona Concesiones
Atlántica Peru – not present for the awarding ceremony
Celeo Redes
Cobre instalaciones y servicios SEA – not present
ConsorcioTrePerú – withdrew from the process on 9 November 2022
Conelsur – not present
Interconexión Eléctrica (ISA)
Eléctrica de Medellin Peru (Edemsa) – not present
A detailed breakdown of Acciona’s bid for the two concessions – awarded together – is as follows:
Ica–Poroma link (220kV)
Total investment cost – $44.02 million
Annual O&M cost – $1.66 million
ITC link Cáclic-Jaén Norte (two circuits) (220kV)
Total investment cost – $29.12 million
Annual O&M cost – $2.32 million
The investment cost annuity for the two projects is $9.08 million.
Acciona’s bid was accepted because it offered the lowest annual service cost at $13.06 million.
The other present bidders’ annual service costs were:
ISA – $13.63 million
Celeo Redes – $14.20 million
ALUPAR – $13.46 million
Both PPPs will include power line extensions and associated substations, servicing more than 370,000 people.
Acciona will be responsible for the DFCOM for both projects, and the concession term is 30 years plus the construction phase.
The Ica–Poroma link will stretch between Ica and Poroma, in the southern part of the country, with plans to incorporate the transmission line into Peru’s national electricity grid.
For its part, the ITC link Cáclic-Jaén Norte, to be located in the north of Peru, will supply electricity to the local grid.
A version of this story first appeared on IJGlobal.